Class Changes in May!|福岡の英語で学ぶ保育園 リトルワールドインターナショナルキッズ


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Class Changes in May!

Now that a month has passed and the children have adjusted somewhat to school it was time to move on to new things. First we decided to put  Elephants and Rabbits side by side during English time. This will help the Rabbits better follow the lesson and help Elephants to gain confidence in becoming leaders and in using English. Pandas are in the back row, usually for Elephants, so they too are having to show they can do it from farther away, stepping it up a little.  So far it has gone beautifully. I’m really have with everyone’s participation!

Secondly, the students are getting more confident at speaking and singing in front of the class. For Elephants, they are realizing it is much easier to watch someone lead than to actually have the responsibility as the leader. However, they are really enjoying the challenge. Likewise more and more Rabbits are willing to sing in front of the class. Don’t forget the Pandas! They are getting more confident as well. How much they have changed and improved since last May!

Lastly, this month Elephants have begun writing more. We write once a week in English house but have also started out class workbooks and from today homework workbooks will go home. All Elephants know to just do their best!

