We love our grandparents!|福岡の英語で学ぶ保育園 リトルワールドインターナショナルキッズ


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We love our grandparents!

Star class made a postcard! And we had so much fun making them. There were several steps in the process to making these beautiful cards.

1. First step is to rip the paper and then process the paper in a blender with some water. Push the button ON! And watch the water and paper mix together. This was a loud and noisy process.


2. The next step is place the mixture of paper and water into the frame. This made the rectangular shape of the postcard. Push it gently and carefully.



3. The next step is to DECORATE! We had some sparkly little shapes and colored dye to decorate. This was the best! We placed our photos and drawings into the cards. Everyone concentrated very hard and had lots of fun!


4. The last step in making the postcard is to PRESS DOWN firmly. We remove the excess water within the paper and let them dry flat.

We made decorative postcards!

