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Welcome to our Star Class room. What can you see in our bright colorful room? My goal as a teacher is to inspire young creative happy minds encouraging reading, writing, listening and speaking.
We have OUR WORD WALL with our sight words in different colors. We practice reading and listening with our words during the lessons. First we listen to the teacher saying the word and repeat afterwards. We can even practice saying sentences together. I SEE A BUTTERFLY. I LIKE PINK AND YELLOW. There are lots of ways to practice with our words.
I feel it is important to practice conversations with our friends and teachers. Here, during our time together we practice reading, listening and speaking. This is only the beginning and we will continue questions during the year. My goal for each student is that they can ask and reply using conversational English. We have begun with days, months and feelings, but we have a lot more to talk about. Let’s talk about our FAVORITE THINGS.
WHERE DO YOU WANT TO TRAVEL? I want to travel to France and Canada. I want to see the Eiffel Tower and the huge waterfall! Do you want to see a big ferris wheel in England or how about visiting the pyramids in Egypt? We can see fireworks in Australia, the Taj Mahal in India, a beautiful cathedral in Russia and the big city lights in America. However Disneyland in Japan is a favorite for all.
This question is for birthdays; asking the child to respond and talk about the photos. We can also discuss modes of transport.
I hope you enjoyed a short tour of our class room. We have a lot of fun each day with our friends and teachers.