Rainbow Balls!|福岡の英語で学ぶ保育園 リトルワールドインターナショナルキッズ


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Rainbow Balls!

It’s raining outside and Sunshine class have a lot of energy! Let’s enjoy running around together chasing the rainbow balls!


We also incorporated a new activity to practice ROLLING the ball to each other. We are working as a team, and practicing our hand eye coordination. The children did very well and were excited to run after ball when it rolled past their friend!

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This month Sunshine class are focusing on D, E, and F alphabet letters. D is for DOLL, E is for ELEPHANT and F is for FISH. Can you think of another word beginning with D?

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Sunshine children are sitting and listening; they are actively learning and responding! Great work Sunshine Class!!



****today’s photo****

82b4084d-e6cb-4b63-99c8-ad16bb8e3717 34f635eb-f92a-469e-b2b2-c51c2c6da6b1 aa02a2e0-ab45-44b6-acf9-da423d4585b2 ee92674d-83bf-4908-a3b9-6e2a6cdd0ab6 bb9a045a-42d2-4b57-9537-2dca5ac60a25 f505e006-3c16-4ddf-adcf-11788301adde 6452cf9f-439b-47de-a435-b10d12a8eed1 388fd746-9fdd-4612-87e3-2156b455612c 9b6e56e1-84b8-4bdc-853c-f4746ad320a3

